General Conference weekend means mission reunions for Jayson and I. For Jayson's mission reunion this year, President and Sister Hart were looking to do something different, and Jayson suggested we do it at our house. We love parties, so we decided to make it happen.
We were really excited, but also quite intimidated about having President and Sister Hart at our home, as well as all of the missionaries. So it's been two full weeks of projects to get our house ready. We could have used two more.
If you're having a mission reunion at your house, you might:
Sand, prime, and paint your pillars and trim.
Sand, prime, and paint the bench you found in the garbage two years ago.
Paint the concrete that's been peeling for two years. We did all this to the front porch too.

Weed, weed, weed. Mow and edge the lawn. Transplant a few of your plants to new places. Fertilize.

Clean the back patio. You may not have found time to water seal the new fence.

You may also have not found a coffee table and rug that you could decide on.

But you might have FINALLY printed, framed, and hung family pictures.

And rearranged the living room furniture,

Painted the kitchen (Sorry Karrie, your wreath never made it back to your house. Do you want it back?)

(I love love love this color). "Quietude" by Sherwin Williams. Very similar to a color in the pottery barn catalog. The pictures don't do it justice.

We finally found a place to hang these windows. They'd been in my room for almost 2 years. I loved them, but we could never really find a place to put them. I like them in the kitchen.

We moved this desk and computer into the kitchen from the guest room. And hung the hubcap from Jayson's '53 chevy truck.
Cleaned the carpets. Don't judge us. They're disgusting, I know (this was the before picture).

And cleaned all of the closets, floors, baseboards, walls, doors, bathrooms, etc, etc. (no picture for this, sorry).
We changed Mae's room from a nursery to a toddler room. Big girl bed. No more snuggly rocking chair (it's moved to our room).

We hung Mae's alphabet (thanks
K!), and set up a table and chairs for her to play at. (she loves it).

We served these adorable mini dawgs--half dawgs in their own little bun. They're so cute I could kiss them.

We also served the infamous baked beans,
Laurie's salad (DELISH!), and strawberry lemonade. And desert? Smart Cookie.
I bought a few new dishes (they're not all new).

Tried new candy--candy corn kisses. Don't gag until you try them.

Then I kissed this man (how could I not?).

The reunion was a hit. I think everyone had a really good time, and we had a pretty good turn out.
And now...we're headed to
the cabin to recover. I almost feel like our house should be for sale now or something, it's
so beautiful and clean!