Mae has been insisting for a couple months that she has a baby in her tummy. She was very sure of herself--always telling me that "baby horsie" was kicking, or asleep, or crying. We indulged her for awhile, because...why not? But as my delivery date approached, we figured we had to address it somehow.
I had a conversation with her where I told her it had been really fun to pretend, but that there really was no baby in her tummy. We assured her that she would get a baby to take care of now, and that someday she would probably have a baby in there. The next thing I knew she was curled up under the table whimpering. She was so sad. So we decided to make a big deal about baby horsie's birth.
Off to build-a-bear...

...where baby horsie came to be. She adores this horse. She takes great care of her.

Oh boy, she's growing up. She's amazing.
Mae is so excited for her little sister to get here too. She tells her everyday that she's ready for her to come out so they can play. Now if only this sweet baby would listen!